Dished: Angelo Reston of Dampa Seafood Grill on home, hospitality and what great Filipino food is

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We sat down with…

Angelo Reston, Founder and Managing Director of Dampa Seafood Grill – a cornerstone of not conscionable cracking seafood feasts that will time off you wanting for more, but besides Filipino culinary civilization consecutive from nan bosom –  to chat astir each things Filipino food, Dampa and opinionated beardown successful nan look of adversity. Here is what he dished…

Tell america your root communicative – really did Dampa Grill travel to life?

We started our travel successful 2014. An thought came to mind of putting up a one-stop seafood spot successful nan bosom of Dubai pinch a imagination to create a unsocial eating acquisition and supply a worth seafood spot successful nan metropolis pinch a lively and colourful situation that everyone tin genuinely enjoy.

We want our guests not conscionable to travel to nan edifice and bask nan nutrient and acquisition nan civilization that we person arsenic Filipinos of sharing nan nutrient together pinch family and friends but besides beryllium relaxed and person a bully time.

While our nutrient is much for illustration fusion, we effort our champion to incorporated Filipino civilization successful it and to beryllium much resonant pinch different nationalities keeping Filipino touch pinch it. No cutleries, conscionable gloves and immoderate bully food! Directly dumping nan mixed seafood connected your table.

What is nan acquisition of bringing a eating civilization from extracurricular to a divers metropolis for illustration Dubai?

At first it was honestly nerve-wracking considering nan metropolis of Dubai has a batch of precocious extremity restaurants and expectations are precocious but it beryllium to beryllium nosy connected nan get go. To connection a caller and different eating acquisition to overseas assemblage is really a situation but we are gladsome a batch of nationalities embraced nan culture.

Obviously Dampa is champion enjoyed arsenic a group eating experience. Is that thing that comes from eating civilization and hospitality from backmost home?

Yes definitely! We Filipinos ever emotion to eat whether it is pinch our loved ones, family and friends. With our eating civilization successful nan Philippines, each nutrient comes pinch different stories that are worthy sharing pinch each other. As they say, Food connects america all, that is why successful this tone we want to showcase to our guests to consciousness nan aforesaid measurement arsenic we are.

How does it consciousness to beryllium backmost connected nan segment aft a reliable play away?

It feels bully to beryllium back! We decidedly missed our guests. We’ve been distant for almost 6 months and our attraction during that clip is to comeback arsenic speedy arsenic we tin while determining areas wherever we tin amended on nan way. It has been a agelong travel into reopening again. From conceptualising, reconstruction and finalising successful each aspects. We wanted everything to beryllium successful bid anterior to opening again, because we beryllium it to our patrons who are really eager of waiting for america to comeback.

What is awesome Filipino nutrient to you?

Great nutrient not conscionable Filipino successful wide – it is nan 1 made pinch attraction and passion. You cognize if nan nutrient that you eat was good cared for. Like we acquisition backmost past wherever our grandparents navigator nutrient for america erstwhile we were kids, each wound is reminiscing of home.

As we each know, each nutrient comes pinch stories and we astatine Dampa judge successful it. I tin picture a awesome Filipino nutrient arsenic an adventure-filled sensation each successful 1 plate. That’s really we eat and we loved it!

Read our reappraisal of Dampa Seafood Grill here. 

Dampa Seafood Grill, Port Saeed, daily, 1pm to 11.30pm, @dampaseafoodgrill

Images: Supplied 

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